Stones, animals, flowers: Who are you in the natural world?

Given my life-long, magpie-like obsession with shiny objects, it’s probably no surprise to you that I can find it hard to decide what I’m going to work with next. One thing that really helps focus me though is when I get a request involving someone’s birthstone – or more recently I’ve started working with birth flowers and zodiac animal themes too.

Since every piece I make starts with the raw materials, it’s straightforward for me to integrate personal touches to make gifts really special. It’s lovely to make a piece for a loved one, that has that subtle extra piece of who they are embedded within it, or to produce a special gift which captures friendships or family members.

I’ve put this little guide together for you to check out your own birthstones, birth flowers, and zodiac animals too, and please drop me a note if you have any thoughts on how you’d like to incorporate them into a piece of personalised magic! Meanwhile, I’ve popped a couple of photos in from pieces that others have had made up, for inspiration!

Love and happiness,

Ange xx


Because different cultures through history have attributed gemstones to birth dates, there’s no single one birthstone for each month. Some birth stone lists go back centuries, whereas Tanzanite (December) was only discovered in the 1960s, so it’s a pretty recent addition to the mix! It’s just something to be aware of if you’re placing an order and are asked to specify the month alone: just be sure you know what the jeweller is using to symbolise that month, especially if it is important that you obtain a particular colour or stone.

Some people attribute various sentimental, spiritual or other meanings to gemstones too; so it’s not all about the month! If there’s a particular gemstone you’d like sourcing for a piece, get in touch – I can usually source a conflict-free one at a fair price point.

Birth Flowers

These guys typically related to the month that they flower in, although given that climates around the world change, it’s no surprise that there are a few flower charts in common use. I’ve put below the one which I use when making my current line of stamped jewellery (e.g. birth pendants, charms and rings), and a second list of others you might hear of. There’s no right or wrong with these things, and personally I adore daisies and snowdrops, neither of which are my birth flower! I say if you aren’t sure, just pick something you love the look of and go with it!

Zodiac Animals

Okies, these little guys are consistent at least, but somewhat more complex to calculate and deserve a blog all of their own, so I’m going to refer you a look-up table on Wikipedia to determine which one you are (of course if you were still unsure I would happily double check for you before commencing any work).